What is a Link Scheme?

A Link Scheme refers to any links intended to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google search results. These schemes violate Google’s Webmaster Guidelines and can result in severe penalties, including demotion or removal from search results.

Link schemes can involve various tactics designed to create an artificial impression of a website’s popularity and authority.

Different Types of Link Schemes

There are several types of link schemes, including:

1. Paid Links

Buying or selling links that pass PageRank. This includes exchanging money or goods for links or posts that contain links.

2. Excessive Link Exchanges

“Link to me, and I’ll link to you” schemes or excessive cross-linking.

3. Large-scale Article Marketing or Guest Posting Campaigns

Using keyword-rich anchor text links and distributing articles on a large scale with little relevance.

4. Using Automated Programs

Utilizing software or services that create links to your site automatically.

5. Link Farms

Creating or participating in a network of sites that link to each other without relevant content.

6. Hidden Links

Placing links in widgets, footers, or other areas where they are not easily visible to users.


Understanding link schemes and their potential consequences is crucial for maintaining ethical SEO practices. Avoiding manipulative tactics and focusing on building high-quality, relevant backlinks will ensure long-term success and protect your site from penalties.